Sunday, 18 August 2013


The Milky WayThe Milky Way is one of the many galaxies in the universe and the Sun is one of the 100 billion stars it has in it. The Milky Way is so big in size that it takes light about 100 thousand years to travel from end to end. It tends to look patchy because in some parts of the galaxy the stars are closer to each other, as a result of which those parts tend to shine out brighter than the others, in  other parts dark nebulae block out the light thus giving a patchy effect. Galaxies are of elliptical, irregular and spiral types, the Milky Way is a spiral type of galaxy. It has a curved arm of stars which radiate from a glowing center. The brightest part of the Milky Way is in the constellation called Sagittarius. The Sun and its family are approximately 30,000 light years from the center of the Milky Way. The nearest galaxy to our own is the Magellanic cloud which is about 1,50,000 light years away.

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